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If you have been searching for a program that helps you create HEALTHY HABITS,            build SUSTAINABLE ROUTINES and discover your STRENGTH with the HIGHEST QUALITY coaching and instruction you've ever experienced...

S.I.T Camp & S.I.T 2.0 Bundle

A 12 week journey of STRENGTH focused Self Improvement.

Hey Mama,

Does this sound like you...


I feel so lost in the gym and it's intimidating, why do I even go?

Mamas tell me ALL THE TIME, "I come to Mission Mama for the High Quality coaching and training you provide." Mission Mama is different, prior to working with moms, I worked with high level athletes in a group setting. I view my work with moms no differently than I did working with athletes. I am going to provide you with the expert knowledge, hands on instruction and high quality coaching you have been searching for.


Every time I start, something get's in the way and throws off my routine, why bother?

YUP! That's life, always getting in the way. What if you no longer viewed it that way though? What if, rather than consistency meaning a weekly regimen, I taught you a different way. One where rest days were promoted as a CRUCIAL part of your training routine. Where days off were utilized to promote recovery and optimize your results. Where you no longer needed to beat yourself up mentally and emotionally for allowing your body to do what it NEEDS to do.

What if this journey was so strongly developed that you no longer needed to STRESS DUE TO FEAR of missing the gym, but rather were able to know that this is all part of being consistent. Knowing that having flexibility in your routine keeps it managable AND enjoyable actually ensuring that you WILL stay consistent.


I wish I had a workout buddy, I hate training alone.

We've got you covered, the Mission Mama Community is UNMATCHED. This program includes semi-private group training and coaching, you will be surrounded by women and mamas JUST LIKE YOU throughout this entire journey. We got your back mama!


I can't keep myself accountable, will I ever achieve my goals?

I've been there too Mama, I get it. It is SO hard to keep showing up for yourself, to stay committed, motivated, excited. That's why you are choosing to hire me for the next 6 weeks to keep you accountable. Lean on me, depend on me and I WILL show you how to do it on your own moving forward, for now, you can count on me.


I've tried so many diets, but they are so restrictive and never work, there MUST be a better way.

There is, and it takes time and patience, 2 things most people DO NOT HAVE. Ever hear the saying "it's a marathon, not a race" OR "it's about the journey, not the destination." Well, same goes here, if ALL we ever do is focus on the end result, we will miss out on the entire experience and likely not enjoy it very much. Because most of us are moms here, I will use this example, think back to when you became pregnant, how exciting it was to think of becoming a mom, welcoming a new baby into the world and your family. Now imagine that ALL you ever focused on was childbirth, what am I going to do to get this baby out? Think of all you would miss out on, sharing the exciting news with family and friends, feeling your baby move inside you, tracking how big baby is each week, craving different foods, nesting, creating the perfect Pinterest boards for the most beautiful nursery, celebrating at your baby shower, making a birth plan, taking parenting and childbirth classes with your partner/spouse. There are SO MANY exciting things to learn along the way and if we ONLY focus on the end result, we deprive ourselves of joy and miss out on personal growth.



I am so tired of hating myself, of wanting to change myself, I just want to be happy and proud of where I am right now.

Ever feel like you don't even know yourself or really what you want for yourself because it seems SO out of reach? Yeah, me too and honestly if your answer to this question IS YES, I don't need to say anything more, this program is for you.

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To the Mama who Desires...




Healthy Habits


Body Positivity


Who has tried it "all" to NO AVAIL

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S.I.T. Camp
This is the HIGH QUALITY training program you have been searching for.

You Receive...
Semi-Private Training 2x/week ($720)
Weekly Group Coaching Calls ($1200)
Unlimited Group Fitness Classes ($440)
Self Improvement
Workbook ($250)
A No BS Approach to Health & Wellness Workshop ($100)
Community Chat Forum ($200)

(TOTAL VALUE: $2910)

YOU PAY: $594

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1st Ever Self Improvement Training Camp Bundle

Make a non-refundable $80 deposit today to secure your spot & workout a payment plan w/ Lexie for the remaining balance.

Semi Private Group Training
     Grow your community, stay
     accountable & reach your goals  
     with high quality coaching every

    Fun challenges & AMAZING prizes 
over our 6 weeks together will keep
    you motivated to show up & work

Self Improvement Workbook
      Get to know yourself & your current
       habits. Define wh
at you want moving
       forward. Discover the best version of YOU!

AND Best of All...
 It doesn't need to end in 12 weeks.                 You can join our Strong Mom Community            & stay motivate
d, consistent accountable     for YEARS to come!

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