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The Mommy Portal provides SOLUTIONS to every Mama's NEEDS!

Hey Mama,

Does this sound like you...


Who am I now? When will my body be mine again?

I've been there too Mama, I get it. I was put on pelvic rest during my 1st pregnancy and was not allowed to exercise at all. And for a Strength & Conditioning Coach who spent every single day in a weight room surrounded by athletes I honestly felt like I lost a part of me. The part that helped me feel good & de-stress, it was gone. I had no outlet for me. Suddenly EVERYTHING was about the tiny human I was growing & had never met. Did I not matter anymore?


Why do I have constant pain in my back, neck, joints, vagina, etc.

Why am I so sad all the time, will I ever feel like myself again?

As pregnancy progressed the more uncomfortable & disconnected from myself I became. I could not wait to give birth so I could FINALLY meet my daughter, get myself back, rid myself of pain & discomfort.

So finally Ariya was born! ENTER baby blues, anxiety, depression, pelvic floor dysfunction and a grade 2 bladder prolapse...


I don't recognize the person I see in the mirror.

I'm scared to start exercising, what if I make my problems worse.

Oh how I wish I had a different story to tell you here. Postpartum I still didn't recognize the woman looking back at me in the mirror. I RUSHED back to high intensity activity because, well, I simply didn't know better, at that time. Yeah, I have a Masters in Strength & Conditioning, but Pregnant & Postpartum populations were definitely NOT part of the curriculum. So how was I supposed to know what I didn't know? I trained hard, pushed myself daily & I paid the price. Severe chronic pain, I couldn't even walk around my neighborhood without  being bed ridden for the rest of the night. Luckily I found an incredible Pelvic Health Physical Therapist to work with, I learned to be careful in my approach to training, not fearful of what might happen, I healed my body and honestly I was able to become STRONGER postpartum than I was pre-pregnancy.

The BEST PART Mama, all of this led me here, to be an incredible resource for you, so that you do NOT make the same mistakes I did. So you can avoid chronic pain and actually HEAL your body postpartum!



Am I still important?

I only have time for my kids.

MISSION MAMA, that is where you fit in Mama! We constantly find ourselves doing for EVERYONE else & we just get put on the back burner, it's time to make yourself the PRIORITY. Selfcare is NOT selfish, it's necessary so that you can bring the BEST version of you to your family every day.


I want to be the best example of health & happiness to my children.

I am a priority TOO!

Being a Mom is the BEST reason you will ever have to take care of YOU! I've had both Ariya & Nathan by my side throughout my physical journey in Motherhood and I've got to say, it's been the most incredible thing to watch develop. Not only am I becoming healthier, stronger, happier & more confident, but I am setting this example for my children too. Ariya is now 3.5 years old and she understands, she asks to workout with me, she leads warmups & stretches alongside me, she asks if I'm going to workout with my "Ladies & Babies?"

How incredible would that feel for you Mama, to not ONLY put YOU FIRST, but to also see & hear that you are positively impacting your children's lives too by doing so?! 


What if there was a place, FULL of information & resources to guide you through your journey Back to Yourself, would you JOIN?

So, I made it for YOU.

To the Mama who...
Feels lost
Is in pain
Is overwhelmed
Lacks confidence
Needs support

Wants community



  • If YOU & your well being were the priority.

  • A body that is even stronger NOW, than it was pre-pregnancy. 

  • Feeling confident.

  • Being surrounded by support.

THIS is what you WILL find as a member of Mission Mama!


I'm Lexie, Certified Pre & Postnatal Coach, fellow Mama of 3 (including my fur baby), Wife to David & CEO of Mission Mama. As an expert in Strength & Conditioning, I was perplexed when I found myself struggling more than I could have ever imagined in my return to exercise postpartum. Battling chronic pain & recurring injuries I knew there must be a better way. I am ecstatic to share the better way with you here.

The Mommy Portal contains training & education that addresses the problems you are experiencing & provides solution focused results.

Virtual Group Fitness Classes up to 3x/week


Strong Core Pelvic Floor Workshop ($50)

What is Pelvic Health Webinar ($30)

20 pre-recorded Workouts of the

Strong Core Pelvic Floor Program ($1,000)

Navigating Your Postpartum Body Guide Book ($125)

Pregnancy Prep Nutrition Guide ($45)



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Virtual Group Fitness Classes 
     Build your community of Moms
     for support & stay accountable
     with us every week.

Strong Core Pelvic Floor Pre-Recorded Workouts
      Heal your body in your own time.
      Reconnect your core & pelvic floor
      to correct or avoid dysfunction.

Get to Know You Guide
      Learn about your postpartum body
      & be confident in identifyi
ng any
      areas of concern as you heal. 

AND Best of All...
    The portal is ALWAYS growing as I                continue to add more programs for              you!

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